Generation of subproblems/subsets

We use the R package gMOIP to generate subproblems. A subproblem is generated such that all nondominated points is integer and in the hypercube \([0, 10000]^p\). A configuration is defined using:

That is a subproblem can be identified using filename Lyngesen24-sp-<p>-<card>-<gen-method>_<id>.json where id denote the instance id for the same configuration.

For each subproblem we calculate the statistics:

A few plots

In total there are 600 subproblems.

Generation of MS problems

The problems generated consists of \(2 \leq S\leq 5\) subproblems and is generated so provide a good test bed for the research questions. The naming convention is Lyngesen24-msp-<p>-<cards>-<gen-methods>_<S>_<id>.json

The following instance/problem groups are generated given: